Thursday, 4 June 2015

Becoming Firefox Student Ambassador and It's Benefits

Posted By: Unknown - 01:41


& Comment

Firefox has currently launched its OS for smart phones which main agenda is to provide the web experience free and effectively all around the world. Firefox OS is just in its beginning stages and Firefox Mozillain Community is looking for people and students around the world to promote it. They are also looking for developer who can share their programming skills and help in the development of Firefox OS. Mozilla wants contributors so that it can be smoothly run. So, to achieve there goal they have made a community known as Firefox Student Ambassador (FSA). It is structure in very formal way to ensure better communication between Firefox and Firefox Student Ambassador.

Structure of FSA Program

FSA Executive Board: This board consists of dedicated people who are interested in this program and contribute towards it. They are main body which handles the whole FSA program.
Regional Ambassador Lead: They are selected on the basis of country and region. They are representator of their country and region. They promote and organize Firefox and events in their regions.
Firefox Cub: It is a group of Firefox Student Ambassador who work together in their college or universities to organize events and promote latest Firefox technologies. They believe in doing good and have good policy so must join club in your college or open one.
Firefox Student Ambassador: They are creative, leaders and passionate about Firefox. They educates people to web technologies and create awareness of free web.

Who is Firefox Student Ambassador?

FSA is a person who is passionate, innovative and have great interest in providing web free. They have strong commitments towards providing good and they expect nothing in return because they know it will always good if you do well. They are person who are passionate about web and want web to be free and you don’t have to buy something to enjoy the web experience. They contribute towards Firefox programs and promote them in their society especially in their college or university. They take responsibilities and organize events and web education seminar to educate people about the new technologies of the web. They don’t love to be alone so they gather more students and encourage them to join FSA club. They are team maker and leaders. They help Mozillain Community to grow and they pickup talented and high potential students and give them a better platform to show their talent and skills. They love Firefox OS and help it to be popular and more improve by making apps, videos and webpages.

Benefits of being FSA

As an FSA, you learn how to interact with people and organize events which develop your leadership skills. You got to know how to work with the bigger organizations. Firefox provides great rewards and swags if you fulfill their requirements and do something which is out of box. You are not just FSA but you are recognized at Firefox you are given different tasks if yo do that effectively you are promoted to trainee, then junior and then senior. You receive different benefits at each level. I will be explaining that below:

As a Trainee: You will be given badges. Your name will be recognized in monthly newsletter of Firefox and you become eligible for promotion to junior level.
As a Junior: Special badges will be awarded and recognized in monthly newsletter. You will receive a virtual certificate of identification. If there in in-person boot camp of Firefox in your country. You will be invited there.
As a Senior: You will receives badges, recognized and nominated for Regional Ambassador Lead. You will included in Mozillains Community. You will receive a special package of swags and rewards which you can distribute in your campus. You can participate in senior only projects.

Firefox Student Ambassador also promotes Firefox OS and help in developing that.

What FSA do in campus

FSA educates students of their campus to new web technologies and resources provided online which can be helpful for their career development. They promote Firefox products and help people to be recognized about latest Firefox technologies which help them in various ways. One of the thing which I like most about Firefox that there products are always free of cost which is amazing. They encourage students to work on project provided by the Firefox so that they can contribute in Firefox and also get a chance to win scholarship or internship in Firefox. They launch Firefox club in their campus which deals in giving workshops, supporting Mozilla mission and promoting Firefox OS in the campus.

How Firefox help FSA to do all this

Firefox main mission is:
Do Good, Have Good

Firefox provides lot of activates in which FSA can participate and win different rewards which includes:

·         Campaign Challenge: It is the marketing team challenge which are posted around the year. These challenges are exciting and gives FSA opportunity to improve their marketing skills.
·         Socializing: If you are social kind of person and you are tweeting and liking online on different social networks then Firefox gives you some exciting task to do.
·         Creativity:  In this part, Firefox encourages FSA to do something like videos, apps, web pages, graphics, blog posts, and much more.
·         Hosting an event:  It gives you a list on event which you can host in your campus and provides you with swags which you can share.

They provide great resources and support which help you to improve yourself more in Firefox.

Thanks for reading this article. I hope that you liked it. Become Firefox Student Ambassador and take Mozilla mission to next level.

About Unknown

We are highly motivated, passionate and innovated guys from Military College of Signals. We work for Firefox and contribute in it as Firefox Student Ambassadar. We love free web and Firefox OS which is changing lifes.


  1. Wowww.. This is pretty Cool Awwab. :D
    Detailed neatly for New FSA's.. Keep doing the good work :)

    Regional Ambassador lead
    Mozilla India

    1. Thankyou sir :) ..keep visiting our blog

  2. Replies
    1. Thankyou..your comment is much appreciated :)


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