Monday, 8 June 2015

Game Developing in HTML 5

Posted By: Unknown - 11:03


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  Introduction On Video Games:   
           As we know that video games can also be very useful for our minds, Usually some people only think that the games are only for enjoyment but that is wrong because these Games can be used as some educational tools or we play them to nourish our minds, Specially the games like Chess, Jigsaw Puzzles and number games like Sudoku, 2048, etc. can serve the need of enjoyment, time pass and also nourishing our minds.

Games developing as FSA:  
          Firefox student ambassador program provide as great opportunity to develop our own Apps and Games and we can also show it to the world using the market place provided by Firefox itself. We can develop Games using various tools in different environments like Netbeans or Visual Studio.

         There are many other HTML 5 app developing environments but I prefer these basic and easy to use Integrated Development Environments for developing applications of HTML 5. Besides these Integrated Development Environments we can also use command line interface.
Language Requirements:
  1. Javascript.
  2. CSS.
  3. HTML 5.
You can find the installation guide and introduction to development Here:
Click here to goto the Mozilla App center

You can also find some very good tutorials provided by Mozilla Firefox for developing apps Here:
Click here to goto the tutorials

Firefox Marketplace:
          Firefox Marketplace is an open source where we can publish our applications. We can not only just publish apps here but we can also find the guidance and support from Mozilla  on how to make our published apps successful.
           So after creating our game or application we can also upload it to the Firefox Marketplace which is just like a store where we can not only upload the apps but also can find some very good application and games. 

You can visit the market place and download some wonderful applications and games for windows, Firefox  OS, and also for Android Here:
Click to visit Firefox Marketplace 

Submitting our Games:
           If we want that our application should be recognized worldwide and should be open for every user. We must upload it to some trusted market place. Our best recommendation is FireFox Marketplace, it is one of the best known stores on the open web.

You can go to this link to submit application Here:
 Click to submit App


About Unknown

We are highly motivated, passionate and innovated guys from Military College of Signals. We work for Firefox and contribute in it as Firefox Student Ambassadar. We love free web and Firefox OS which is changing lifes.


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