Saturday, 5 September 2015

Experience as FSA

Posted By: Unknown - 02:36


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Experience as Firefox student Ambassador: 
        Here we are Firefox Student Ambassadors, anyone can call themselves as a Firefox student ambassador. So actually who is a FSA? The word FSA does not only stand for Firefox Student Ambassador. We are the students who plays a large role in helping to improve the global experience of people on the Web. We used to promote the safe and perfect products for the people to improve their experience on the web. So that they can surf easily and feel protected in the world of internet.

A wonderful experience:
       It was a good experience for all of us so far. 
  • We have nourished our skills of marketing to a very good extent. 
  • Obtain the great leadership roles in our campus. 
  • Helped the people to surf privately and safely over the web.
  • Promote the benefits of web development in our campus.
  • We have Helped everyone to choose independently!

  • Marketing Skills: 
       By promoting the Firefox products and market place apps in Our campus we have shown the world how good  Privacy is to everyone as well as this all benefits us too because we all got the experience in the Market and improved our marketing skills by sharing this all on the social media including Facebook, Twitter Google plus, and Blog posts in professional manner. I have also participated in the FoxYeah competition and share Memes to show our love and respect for this Firefox campaign of Firefox Student Ambassadors.
  •  Leadership Skills:
      Personally speaking this title of  FSA encourage me to work for the betterment of my campus. I have nourished my campaigning skills and as a Firefox Student Ambassador I can complete my mission to promote openness, innovation, and opportunity on the Web through This program.

  • Developing Awesome stuff online:
       This was one of my dream to be on such platform to encourage all the students to come towards the Technology, Coding, Building apps, Web development, and creating other awesome stuff online, and here is this platform for me. Becoming and FSA is like my dreams came true. We are now creating cool stuff like Graphics, Videos, and Memes by getting the help from Firefox Community.

  • Planing the Workshops:
       We have totally planned on how we will arrange the workshops and special training programs for the students of our campus. We are believing in :
Do Good and Change the World. 

About Unknown

We are highly motivated, passionate and innovated guys from Military College of Signals. We work for Firefox and contribute in it as Firefox Student Ambassadar. We love free web and Firefox OS which is changing lifes.


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